
Speaking Part 1 Practice: BOOKS

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Speaking Part 2 – Topic: BOOKS

Trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây. Sử dụng tính năng ghi âm để ghi lại và nghe lại câu trả lời.


Do you often read books? When?
Are your reading habits now different than before?
Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?
Which do you prefer, reading books or watching Movies?

Sample Answer

Do you often read books? When?

I have to say, it’s a bit of both yes and no. You see, when it comes to reading textbooks and finishing reading lists for school, I do read a lot. But when it comes to reading for leisure, I don’t really do that as much because I am often occupied with other things and I find other options for entertainment more appealing than reading books.

Yes, I do read a lot for school, which is mostly science and academic texts, but it is not so much for fun. If I have free time, I usually read non-fiction books or adventure stories as it’s a great way to reduce stress and escape from the daily life routine.

Are your reading habits now different than before?

Yes, my reading habits have definitely changed. For one thing, I spend much less time reading now than I used to because I have a lot of other things going on with my schedule. Additionally, the genres that I’m interested in have shifted as well. In the past, I used to enjoy reading non-fiction, fairy tales, and comic books, but now my interests have changed, and I tend to focus more on science and skill-related books that are more relevant to my studies or work.

Yeah, my reading habits have changed significantly. I read less now because I’m busy with my studies. Moreover, now I mostly read books that are related to what I’m studying or working on now, whereas in the past I was more interested in non-fiction or comic books.

Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?

Yes, I’ve read a few novels that have been adapted into films. Forrest Gump and Harry Potter are just a couple examples. Both of the movies were hugely successful and Forrest Gump even won an Oscar for best picture. Even though the film versions are great with all the special effects and all, I think they sometimes lack some of the details that are in the book. But overall, I enjoy both the book and the movie versions.

I have read some books that became movies, like Forrest Gump and Harry Potter. Both movies were very successful and Forrest Gump even won an award. Even though the movies look good with all the special effects, they sometimes miss some things that are in the book. But overall, I like both the book and movie versions.

Which do you prefer, reading books or watching Movies?

It’s hard to pick between reading books and watching movies because both are fun. Reading lets you go deep into a story and use your imagination, while watching movies lets you see the story come to life on the big screen with cool special effects and good actors. I like both the same.

I like watching movies better because the way the story is shown makes it easier for me to remember. Plus, it takes less time to watch a movie, it’s only about 2 hours, instead of reading a book, which takes a long time for me to finish because of my short attention span.

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