
Speaking Part 1 Practice: JEWELRY

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Speaking Part 2 – Topic: JEWELRY

Trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây. Sử dụng tính năng ghi âm để ghi lại và nghe lại câu trả lời.


Do you like jewelry?
Have you ever sent someone jewelry as a gift?
Do people in your country ever wear jewelry, such as rings or necklaces?

Sample Answer

Do you like jewelry?

Yes, I absolutely adore jewelry. I love those tiny, shiny, glittering items and they make me feel more attractive and confident when I wear them. However, they can be quite expensive and I can only afford to own a necklace and earrings.

Yes, I really like jewelry. I think they look pretty and make me feel better. But they can be too costly and I can only afford a necklace and earrings.

Have you ever sent someone jewelry as a gift?

Yes, I have sent someone jewelry as a gift before. I remember sending my mom a necklace for her 35th birthday. It was made from silver and I bought it from a local store. It cost an arm and a leg at the time, but it was beautiful and my mom loved it so much.

Yes, I gave my mom a necklace for her 35th birthday. I bought it from a local store, it was really expensive but it looked really nice and my mom liked it a lot.

Do people in your country ever wear jewelry, such as rings or necklaces?

It varies, but in general, I would say that younger people tend to wear more jewelry than older people and also women tend to wear more than men. One reason for this could be that jewelry is often seen as a fashion statement and a way to express one’s personal style, and young people and women tend to experiment more with fashion and personal expression than older people or men.

Yes, definitely, a lot of people in my country wear jewelry, especially women. They tend to wear all sorts of necklaces and other types of jewelry, they use them as accessories to match their outfits and as a way of personal expression.

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