
Speaking Part 1 Practice: TECHNOLOGY

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Speaking Part 2 – Topic: Technology 

Trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây. Sử dụng tính năng ghi âm để ghi lại và nghe lại câu trả lời.


What technology do you often use, computers or Cellphones?
What electronic devices have you bought lately?
Is there any technology you want to buy?
Is technology important in your life?
Is there any technology you don’t like?
Is chocolate good for our health?​

Sample Answer

What technology do you often use, computers or Cellphones?

I use cellphones more frequently because they are portable and convenient for completing a variety of basic tasks on the go. I can use my cellphone to make calls, send texts and emails, access the internet, and even be entertained with games and apps. While I do need a computer for more important tasks such as editing assignments, I find that a cellphone is sufficient for my daily needs and helps me to stay connected and productive while on the go. I use my cellphone more often because it’s portable and I can do a lot of basic things on it. I can make calls, send texts and emails, use the internet, and play games. While I do need a computer for more important tasks such as writing my assignments, a cell phone is enough for my daily needs and helps me stay connected and productive when I’m not at home.

What electronic devices have you bought lately?

Technology plays a significant role in my daily routine and I use it for a variety of purposes from studying and working to communicating and being entertained. I rely on technology for many tasks and find that it greatly enhances my productivity and efficiency. I cannot imagine my life without technology as it has become such an integral and indispensable part of my daily routine.

Technology is important to me and I use it for many purposes, like studying, working, and having fun. It helps me get things done and makes my life easier. I can’t imagine my life without it because it’s such a big part of my daily routine.


Is there any technology you want to buy?​

Yes, I would like to buy a new phone because my current one is broken and has problems with the screen. A new phone would allow me to stay connected and work productively, and would be a useful and convenient tool for completing a variety of tasks. I would need to consider my budget and research different options before making a purchase, but a new phone is definitely something that I would like to have. Yes, I want to buy a new phone because my old one is broken and the screen doesn’t work. A new phone would be useful and help me stay connected and get things done. I need to think about my budget and look at different options before buying one.

Is technology important in your life?

Technology plays a significant role in my daily routine and I use it for a variety of purposes from studying and working to communicating and being entertained. I rely on technology for many tasks and find that it greatly enhances my productivity and efficiency. I cannot imagine my life without technology as it has become such an integral and indispensable part of my daily routine.

Technology is important to me and I use it for many purposes, like studying, working, and having fun. It helps me get things done and makes my life easier. I can’t imagine my life without it because it’s such a big part of my daily routine.


Is there any technology you don’t like?​

Yes, there is technology that I do not like. Specifically, I do not like social media platforms because they often collect and sell user data for profit. This can be a privacy concern, as social media companies can track our online activity and gather sensitive information about us. In addition, I find that social media can be time-consuming and addictive, and can sometimes bring about negative mental health effects. While I recognize that social media can have its benefits, I prefer to use it in moderation and take steps to protect my privacy online. Yes, there is some technology that I don’t like. Social media is one of them because it collects and sells our data for money. This can be a privacy issue and I don’t like that. Social media can also be addictive and bad for our mental health. While it has some benefits, I prefer to use it in moderation and protect my privacy.

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