
Speaking Part 1 Practice: SMALL BUSINESS

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Speaking Part 2 – Topic: SMALL BUSINESS

Trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây. Sử dụng tính năng ghi âm để ghi lại và nghe lại câu trả lời.

Do you know many small businesses where you live?
Do you prefer buying things in big companies or small businesses?
Have you ever worked in small businesses?
Have you ever thought about starting your own business?

Sample Answer

Do you know many small businesses where you live?

Well, yes, absolutely. My area is home to a large number of small businesses. They work in different industries, providing a range of products and services, for example Retail businesses like boutiques or convenient stores, or Food and beverage businesses, like restaurants and pavement cafes and so much more. To be specific, I am a regular customer at a hair salon near where I live.

Yes, I'm familiar with quite a few small businesses in my neighborhood. Hanoi has a thriving small business scene, with a diverse range of industries represented. In particular, I am a regular customer at some of the local cafes, restaurants, and hair salons near where I live, and I appreciate the individuality and energy they bring to the community.

Do you prefer buying things in big companies or small businesses?

I would say so, yes. Although small businesses may have the advantage of providing exceptional customer service because the owners are often the seller who support you, I find that items I bought from big companies are often cheaper and have better quality, so I feel more satisfied and I don’t really need customer service at all.

Well, I’d go for buying items from small businesses rather than from big companies. Small businesses offer unique and high-quality products that cannot be found in large chain stores. Their items can be hand made and are truly one of a kind, not available elsewhere.

Have you ever worked in small businesses?

Well, I’m not sure if it counts as working in a small business, but I did have a job as a waiter at a small restaurant. It was a family-owned place, and I was there for about a year. It was a great experience working with a close-knit team and serving delicious food to customers. It taught me a lot about teamwork and the importance of customer service.

Yes, I have worked in a small business before. It was a tech startup that was just starting out and I was lucky enough to be a part of the team. I learned so much during my time there, from how a small business operates to the ins and outs of the tech industry. It was an incredible experience and I felt great about being a part of something that had so much potential for growth.

Have you ever thought about starting your own business?

No, I haven’t considered starting my own business yet. As a student, I don’t have much experience in entrepreneurship and I’m worried about the potential risk of losing money. I’m focusing on my studies and trying to gain practical knowledge and experience before taking on such a big challenge.

Yes, I have thought about starting my own business, particularly in the realm of social media. I have a strong desire to become a well-known influencer on TikTok and build a large following. Many of my relatives have found success on the platform and it’s inspiring to see the potential for growth and impact in that space.

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Địa chỉ: 63 Vũ Ngọc Phan, Láng Hạ, Đống Đa, Hà Nội