
Speaking Part 1 Practice: OUTER SPACE & STARS

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Speaking Part 2 – Topic: OUTER SPACE & STARS

Trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây. Sử dụng tính năng ghi âm để ghi lại và nghe lại câu trả lời.

Do you want to go into outer space in the future
What would you do if you had an opportunity?
Have you ever learnt about outer space and stars?
How important is studying the stars considered in your country?

Sample Answer

Do you want to go into outer space in the future?

Yes, I would love to go into outer space in the future. It’s always been a dream of mine to experience space travel. I can only imagine how amazing it would be to see the Earth from afar and experience what zero-gravity feels like inside a spacecraft. It would be a once in a lifetime opportunity that I would not want to miss.

Yes, I would like to go to space in the future. It’s always been a dream of mine and would be an amazing experience. To see the Earth from far away and feel what it’s like without gravity would be great.

What would you do if you had an opportunity?

If I had the opportunity, I would definitely make the most of the trip. I would make sure to train beforehand and learn as much as possible about the universe, like studying the constellations and learning about the life of astronauts. I would want to be fully prepared for this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

If I had the chance to go to space, I would be sure to be well prepared for it. I would learn about the things that I would see and experience, such as the stars and what it’s like to live in space.

Have you ever learnt about outer space and stars?

Yes, I have learnt about outer space and stars in the past, but mainly through informal channels like books, documentaries, and films. I’ve picked up some basic knowledge like the Big Bang theory, black holes, and the names of the planets in the solar system but I would love to learn more in a formal way.

Yes, I have learned some things about space and stars before. I learned from books, videos, and movies. I know some basic things like the Big Bang theory, black holes, and the names of the planets in our solar system, but I want to learn more.

How important is studying the stars considered in your country?

There are no astronomy courses offered until you choose a major in university. You can learn some separate lessons through physics and chemistry classes. The reason for this is that astronomy is not a priority in the education system in my country.

In my country, studying stars is not very important. You can’t take classes about it until college. You can learn some things about stars in other classes but it’s not a big part of our education.

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